“The implementation of sustainable business practices becomes a virtuous behaviour and an essential competitive opportunity for Antares Vision Group,” commented Emidio Zorzella
Antares Vision Group has published its first Sustainability Report (Consolidated Non-Financial Report pursuant to Legislative Decree no.254/2016) for 2021.
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Through the implementation of its industrial strategy and thanks to its ecosystem of values, the Group has always been committed to pursuing a sustainable business model. An approach that is also reflected in the commitment to the United Nations 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The Antares Vision Group’s business model finds a structural driver in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors, being capable of generating a positive impact in the quantification, management, and minimization of the so-called carbon footprint of each product unit, given that it can follow the product’s entire life cycle. Among the projects carried out by the Antares Vision Group, with a view to greater attention to sustainability, the primary role is played by the software solutions for the digital factory, which allows the monitoring and consequent reduction of energy consumption, waste, and emissions, improving the environmental impact of the production cycle.
“The aim of this publication is to report the actions and impacts of our way of doing business, guided by a clear and distinctive strategic vision right from the very start: to guarantee the safety and health of people, products, businesses, and supply chains through an ecosystem of unique and complete technologies. All this by integrating, as always, principles of sustainability with a long-term industrial vision focused on the conscious and efficient use of resources in all areas of business. Implementing sustainable business practices becomes a virtuous behavior and an important competitive opportunity for Antares Vision Group. These are the cornerstones of AV Group’s way of doing business, in a sustainable vision that involves various dimensions: social, economic, and governance”, President and CEO Emidio Zorzella commented.