The Board of Directors of Antares Vision Group on 10th May approved the Group’s consolidated revenues for the first quarter of 2022 (“Q1 2022″).
In the first quarter of 2022, the Group recorded net consolidated revenues of €36.8 million, up +14.8%, 12.4% at organic levels (excluding ACSIS, acquired in Q1 2022 and consolidated from the beginning of March for €0.8 million) against the same period of 2021.
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Given the excellent results obtained in 1Q 2022 in terms of orders and net consolidated sales (+40% and +15% respectively), the Group confirms for FY 2022 an expected increase in revenues between +12% and +18%, excluding acquisitions executed during the course of the year.
The forecasts for organic growth, provided at the time of the FY2021 results, already considered the uncertainties relating to the conflict in Ukraine and the consequent sanctions against Russia, which for Antares Vision Group represents a market with good business potential which could now suffer a significant slowdown.
“We continue to grow on the strength of our business vision as enablers of innovation and digitalization to guarantee transparency, safety, and sustainability of products and supply chains. – Emidio Zorzella, Chairman and Joint-CEO of Antares Vision Group, commented – Today, our value proposition represents a valid response to the new demands of the markets, supply chains, governments/institutions, and consumers. The Group recorded a highly successful first quarter, both in terms of orders (+40%) and turnover (+15%), with substantial growth in all of our technological solutions, despite current challenges: the continuing health emergency, difficulties in procuring electronic components, higher logistics costs, not to mention the conflict in Ukraine. Given the results obtained and the increase in orders recorded in the first quarter, for 2022, we forecast a growth in organic turnover, namely excluding acquisitions, of between +12% and +18%.”
Massimo Bonardi, Joint-CEO of Antares Vision Group, commented as follows: “The growth recorded in 1Q 2022 in Smart Data/SaaS (+137%) is due to our expertise and experience in managing and developing platforms and software, in inspection and track & trace systems, and Smart Data management. Being digitalization enablers means creating data through a connection between physical and digital, transforming it into information, and processing it to extract its value. Today we can provide a complete ecosystem of technologies. The ecosystem provides a unique competitive advantage due to our technological growth path towards a hub of excellence and talent”.