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PCS CLASSIC METHOD WINE monitors the pressure in the headspace of bottles produced using the classic method to oversee the in-bottle secondary fermentation process and avoid issues related to cork seal and product quality.

The tirage syrup (liqueur de tirage) is a blend of wine, sugar, yeast, and minerals added to the wine after the first fermentation, that activates the secondary fermentation inside the bottle in the following months, which leads to the development of additional alcohol and carbon dioxide, defining the wine’s perlage.

After the secondary fermentation, the bottles undergo riddling (remuage) on special racks (pupitres) or specific automatic equipment (gyropalettes), allowing the accumulation of sediment – the yeast degradation residue – before disgorging.

Following this step, it is necessary to verify the success of the secondary fermentation by measuring the amount of CO2 present in the bottle’s headspace. Upon confirmation, disgorging occurs, eliminating the sediment. The bottle is then topped up with dosage syrup (liqueur d’expédition), corked with a mushroom cork, and secured with a wire hood and capsule.

At this stage, it’s necessary to measure the CO2 content in the bottle’s headspace again to ensure the pressure matches the expected value. This verifies several crucial aspects: compliance with the wine’s sparkling characteristics, conformity with pressure regulations, and the successful corking process, ensuring no leaks.

PCS CLASSIC METHOD WINE is a high-performance in-line system designed to measure CO2 content both before disgorging and after corking. The measurement is based on an innovative use of laser spectroscopy, exploiting a particular property of gaseous molecules: their ability to absorb light only at specific wavelengths. A laser beam, precisely positioned along the production line and adjusted to the specific wavelength for carbon dioxide, passes through the bottle’s headspace above the liquid. The amount of laser light reaching the sensor allows for precise and rapid calculation of carbon dioxide concentration and pressure.

Control is continuous, covering 100% of production, allowing for real-time intervention, avoiding disgorging and subsequent processing in case of incorrect secondary fermentation, as well as ensuring compliance with pressure regulations and the expected perlage characteristics.

  • Measurement of carbon dioxide concentration in the headspace
  • Measurement of internal pressure
  • Measurement of the average internal pressure
  • Standard deviation of internal pressure
  • Laser spectroscopy based
  • Non-destructive testing
  • High reliability
  • Wizard software for easy set-up
  • Production records
  • Expandable with additional inspections
  • User-friendly interface
  • Monitoring the carbon dioxide concentration in each bottle at full line speed
  • Secondary fermentation control before disgorging
  • Detection of any defects immediately after corking, without having to wait for the outcome of sample checks at the end of production
  • Guarantee of wine quality
  • Prevention of complaints from the market
  • Consumer satisfaction