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Solution for in-line leak detection by measuring the total pressure in the headspace of each individual closed bottle of soft drinks and juice.

The inspection uses laser spectroscopy, which exploits a peculiar characteristic of molecules in a gaseous state: their ability to absorb light only at specific wavelengths. This approach allows for direct, precise and versatile inspection.

Laser technology makes inspection possible regardless of the type of cap or material of the bottle and is able to monitor in real time both the individual bottle and the average pressure level of the entire production, allowing constant optimization of quality and processes.

The system is installed after the bottle capping phase and is calibrated to verify the measurement of vacuum or the concentration of gas molecules presumed to be present in the headspace, depending on the specific characteristics of the product.

As regards PET bottles of non-carbonated soft drinks, the production process requires that after filling and immediately before capping, a small quantity of nitrogen is added, which, passing from the liquid to the gaseous state, increases its volume and, consequently, the internal pressure of the bottle, improving its mechanical resistance.

For this type of product, PCS SOFT DRINKS is configured to verify the correct pressure in the headspace due to the presence of nitrogen. Otherwise, the system will report the presence of leaking bottles, which are eliminated from the production line.

By measuring the headspace pressure, the system is also able to signal a malfunction of the N2 dispenser. This is a fundamental check since insufficient or excessive pressure causes deformation of the bottle, with problems related to its transport, its appearance, long-term sealing and costs due to the waste of the product, the containers and the nitrogen itself, in case of overdose.

As regards bottles of carbonated soft drinks, the inspection is based on detecting the quantity of carbon dioxide, which is released from the liquid towards the head space.

PCS SOFT DRINKS verifies that the correct quantity of CO2 molecules is present in the headspace of the carbonated products, failing which, the system will signal a leak.

PCS SOFT DRINKS is also able to measure the vacuum in hot-filled or pasteurized bottles, typical of fruit juices in rigid containers.

In this case, a pressure that is too similar to atmospheric pressure indicates that the vacuum has not been correctly created, thus signaling a malfunction in the process, or maintained, thus highlighting a leak in the container. The system then discards the product, ensuring that only vacuum-packed products, and therefore with the expected shelf-life, continue in the production line.

The system offers a rapid visualization of production trends, promptly reports deviations before they cause waste and allows the causes of defects to be identified; for example, highlighting the presence of under or over deviations repeated at each cycle of the doser/capper and therefore identifying the dosing valve or capping head on which to intervene.


  • Leak and micro-leak detection
  • Measurement of internal pressure or concentration of N2 or CO2, of the single bottle and of the entire production
  • Standard deviation of internal pressure
  • Laser Spectroscopy Technology
  • Direct measurement of pressure in the headspace of the bottle
  • Rapid, reliable and non-destructive analytical measurement
  • Non-contact inspection, no components subject to wear
  • Small footprint, hygienic design, washable structure
  • User-friendly interface
  • New format set up in just 5 minutes
  • Statistics and production history
  • Alarm and event history
  • I/O diagnostics, parameters, and signals
  • Oscilloscope
  • Prevents complaints from the market
  • Monitors 100% of production at line speed for leaks
  • Guarantees product quality, consumer satisfaction and expected expiry date
  • Detects bottles with N2 or CO2 leakage, preserving product characteristics and container rigidity
  • Detects bottles in which the vacuum has not been created or maintained, guaranteeing the shelf-life of the product
  • Detects bottles with liquid leakage, safeguarding the pallet
  • Inspect bottles of any material and with any type of cap
  • Monitors the efficiency of the capper and ensures correct closure of the bottle
  • Measures the average pressure value of the production batch
  • Optimize the dosage of N2 or CO2 by harmonizing the pressure levels within the batch
  • High accuracy reduces false rejects, limiting product and container waste and therefore improving sustainability