Ethical Code

Transparency and correctness of Antares Vision activities and the constant compliance with laws and regulations applicable

In order to guarantee the transparency and correctness of its activities and the constant compliance with laws and regulations applicable thereto, Antares Vision S.p.A. (herebelow also only “Antares”) has decided to outline in an Organizational Model, drafted pursuant to Law 231/2001 (the “Model”) and in attached Ethic Code, the guidelines of conduct and the common values to which Antares’s activity has always been inspired. The Model and the Ethic Code are at the disposal of whoever wish to peruse them, in a read only way, thought the request at the Antares Vision Organismo di Vigilanza (“OdV”) filling in this form.

The Model and the Ethic Code include the ethical and deontological principles which ground the activity of Antares and to which also the activity of Antares’s counterparties has to be inspired.

Compliance with the Model and the Ethic Code has to be considered as an integral part of the contractual obligations undertaken by outsourcers, consultants and partners of Antares. Therefore, in case of default of such obligations, Antares will be in the position to enforce any damage clause contractually provided and to terminate the relevant agreement pursuant to Art. 1456 of the Civil Code, in addition to any further action suit which could legitimately be activated.

With the adoption of the Model and Ethic Code, every counterparts in relationship with Antares must or will carries out its activities hereunder in compliance with transparency, correctness and loyalty principles  and pursuant to Italian laws and regulations in force and to the provisions of the Model and the Ethic Code.

Antares Vision – Ethical Code