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Invest in Antares Visionk-arrow-bluAIM Admissionk-arrow-bluContactsk-arrow-bluFinancial and half-yearly reportsk-arrow-bluLoyalty sharesk-arrow-bluFinancial calendar 2025k-arrow-bluMTA Admissionk-arrow-bluPresentationsk-arrow-bluPress releasesk-arrow-bluRelevant operationk-arrow-bluShareholdersk-arrow-bluShareholder's meetingk-arrow-bluWarrant regulationsk-arrow-blu

MTA Admission

Access to this information is limited to persons resident and physically present in Italy and to authorized persons who are resident and physically present in other jurisdictions outside the United States, Canada, Australia, Japan or other countries where such access would be unlawful or otherwise not permitted. The information contained herein is not intended for, and must not be accessed by, or distributed or disseminated to, persons resident or physically present in the United States of America, Canada, Australia, Japan, or other countries where to do so would be unlawful or otherwise not permitted, and do not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy or acquire, any shares, rights or other securities of Antares Vision S.p.A. in the United States of America, Canada, Australia, Japan or other countries where to do so would be unlawful or otherwise not permitted.

PR – Exercise of The Greenshoe Option And End of The Stabilization Period k-arrow-blu
Group Sales Results And Revenues 1q & 2021
Institutional Placement
PR – Final Results of the Institutional Placement k-arrow-blu
Stabilization Activity
PR – Stabilization Activity k-arrow-blu
Prospetto Informativo
Antares Vision_Documento_di_Registrazione k-arrow-blu
Antares Vision_Nota Informativa k-arrow-blu
Antares Vision_Nota di Sintesi k-arrow-blu
Comunicati e presentazioni
CS nulla osta Consob_ENG k-arrow-blu
Stock Exchange Listing Measure k-arrow-blu
PR – Offering price range set between a minimum of euro 11 and a maximum of euro 12.25 per share. The Board of Directors exercises the authority to increase share capital k-arrow-blu
AV – PR Freney II ITF 19.04.2021 k-arrow-blu
Freney II Company Presentation 19.04.2021 k-arrow-blu
Shareholders’ Meeting approves the 2020 Financial Statements work for the move to MTA k-arrow-blu
Deep Dive Session k-arrow-blu
Assemblea Ordinaria del 24 marzo 2021
Verbale di Assemblea k-arrow-blu
Verbale di Assemblea – Allibrato con allegati k-arrow-blu
Verbale di Assemblea – Allegato A k-arrow-blu
Notice of call k-arrow-blu
Extract of the Notice of Call k-arrow-blu
Information on Share Capital k-arrow-blu
GDPR Information Document k-arrow-blu
Explanatroy report items on agenda k-arrow-blu
Proxy form ex 135 novies TUF k-arrow-blu
Proxy form ex 135 undecies TUF k-arrow-blu
Instructions to fill in the electronic form designated representative k-arrow-blu
AV – PR SM and BOD FY 2020 k-arrow-blu
AV – Post Meeting and Board of Directors k-arrow-blu
AV – Acquisition of rfxcel k-arrow-blu
AV – Submission of Proposals of Resolutions and Lists k-arrow-blu
AV – Company Presentation January 2021 k-arrow-blu
AV – Board of Directors 21.01.2021 k-arrow-blu
AV – Mediobanca Mid-Cap Conference 19.01.2021 k-arrow-blu
PR – AV Translisting k-arrow-blu
Assemblea Ordinaria e Straordinaria del 22 febbraio 2021
Notice of call k-arrow-blu
Explanatroy report items on agenda k-arrow-blu
New Bylaws k-arrow-blu
GDPR Information Document k-arrow-blu
Information on Share Capital k-arrow-blu
Raccomandazione motivata del collegio sindacale k-arrow-blu
Proxy form ex 135 novies TUF k-arrow-blu
Proxy form ex 135 undecies TUF k-arrow-blu
Instructions to fill in the electronic form designated representative k-arrow-blu
AV – PR Notice of call of the ordinary and extraordinary shareholder’s meeting k-arrow-blu
Lista 1 per il Collegio Sindacale presentata da Regolo k-arrow-blu
Lista 1 per il Consiglio di Amministrazione presentata da Regolo k-arrow-blu
Proposte di deliberazione presentate da Regolo k-arrow-blu
Minutes of The Meeting k-arrow-blu