17 Oct 2020


The internationalization phase and implementation of the Antares Vision development plan continues, strengthening their presence in the Far East market

Travagliato (BS), 17th August 2020 – We would like to inform you that today a new branch has been established in Shenzhen, China, wholly owned by Antares Vision APAC, following the January 27, 2020 market communication.

The Shenzhen branch joins the Hong Kong branch, operational since 2019, which further strengthens their presence in the Chinese market.

The consolidation in the Far East market by Antares Vision lays the foundation for the “Made in China 2025” plan launched in 2015 by the Chinese government to ensure the country’s technological leadership of its products.

Antares Vision provides their technological solutions to the market in the field of inspection and traceability systems focusing on the pharmaceutical and beverage sectors, which are very significant in the Chinese market.

Antares Vision provides its technological leadership, expertise and know-how to the market to guarantee product quality improvement, fighting counterfeiting and the protection of brands.

For further information

IssuerAntares Vision S.p.A.
Via del Ferro, n. 16
25039 – Travagliato (BS)
Alioscia Berto (CFO e Investor Relator)
Tel.: + 030 72 83 500
E-mail: investors@antaresvision.com 

Nominated Adviser and Specialist

Equita SIM S.p.A.
Via Filippo Turati, n. 9
20121 – MilanoMarcello Daverio
Tel.: +39 02 6204 1
E-mail: m.daverio@equita.eu


IR Top Consulting
Via Bigli, n. 19
20121 – Milano
Tel.: +39 02 45473884
Maria Antonietta Pireddu
E-mail: m.pireddu@irtop.com
Antonio Buozzi
E-mail: a.buozzi@irtop.com