![Social Support [1] - Antares Vision Group](
![Social Support [2] - Antares Vision Group](
Today, it’s not enough to evaluate your own work within the market to face global challenges. A company’s wellbeing is closely connected to the management of the territory and the community in which it operates. Therefore, engaging in social activities is a great way to generate an added value both for oneself and for others – like two hands working together striving for the same goal. A choice capable of determining the future of a company and, at the same time, by actively contributing to the greater good.
![Social Support [3] - Antares Vision Group](
During the most acute months of the global pandemic caused by COVID-19, Antares Vision worked hard in solidarity activities, addressed both to employees and to the local and national community.
Socially speaking, it has been on the front row right from the start. As a result of the renunciation of the annual benefit budget that each department normally devotes to external team building activities, Antares Vision sent a sizable donation to #aiutiAMObrescia for the fundraising of Brescia’s health, to the Intensive Care Unit of Ospedale Maggiore di Parma and to Croce Rossa Italiana. A true proof of union and belonging to the company philanthropic spirit by all employees. During the Easter period, Antares Vision also contributed to strengthening the Banco Alimentare business, because in times of crisis, access to food is one of the primary needs to be safeguarded.
World Pancreatic Cancer Day (WPCD) is celebrated every year on November 21st. This is an initiative designed to promote knowledge and to raise awareness of the prevention and treatment of this disease – one of the most aggressive and lethal neoplasms and, unfortunately, whose numbers are constantly increasing.
On this day, Antares Vision actively participates in Let’s Light on Pancreatic Cancer, and has done now for many years. It is an event which includes all facades of all Antares Vision offices across the world illuminated in purple lights to raise awareness about the danger of this silent killer. It is organized by the Associazione Nastro Viola, to which the company is very close, together with World Pancreatic Cancer Day.
In addition, since 2017, the AV Sporting Team has been promoting the Nastro Viola Trophy, a non-competitive race aimed at raising funds to finance scientific research on pancreatic cancer with local activities. The involvement of the sports club, and consequently of Antares Vision, has been almost automatic, not only because it has been severely affected internally by this disease, but also because it has always placed solidarity and attention to the territory among its founding values.
![Social Support [4] - Antares Vision Group](
![Social Support [5] - Antares Vision Group](
In October 2019 the S2PZ PHARMAJAM musical group performed on the stage at Blue Note in Milan for the Dynamo Rock Challenge 2019. It was a charity initiative for fundraising in support of Dynamo Camp’s Recreational Therapy projects, which saw Antares Vision and Aluberg arm in arm and on the front line. The S2PZ PHARMAJAM was born from this virtuous partnership: a music lover from Aluberg was added to the musical group SPRZ, born within the walls of Antares Vision. We welcomed this new band not only to a jam session of work and charity, but also for the pure love of music!
The initiative was a way to give a smile to all those children who with their families endure the daily fight against serious and chronic diseases. In fact, the donations which have mainly supported the creative and expressive activities of the Radio Dynamo and Dynamo Studios projects are strongly connected to the musical sphere. A sphere that Antares Vision also feeds on, thanks to the high number of musicians present in the company. This demonstrates that once again, its value as a therapeutic tool and activator of creativity and innovation.
Together with the Municipality of Ponte di Legno and UNICEF Brescia, the partnership for solidarity and the love of the territory with Antares Vision is strengthened. Also as an added attribute during the Christmas period between 2017 and 2019, Antares Vision HQ has enjoyed a lit fir-tree outside its offices, from Ponte di Legno in support of the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund.
Inserted by the initiative of the Pontedilegno-Tonale for Unicef project, the initiative also received a donation by Antares Vision intended to help the children of Madagascar – a beautiful country, however, full of contrasts, where maternal and child malnutrition and drought are among the most serious and urgent problems. Furthermore, in celebration of the 30th anniversary of World Children’s Day (November, 20th 2019), the national and international offices of Antares Vision were decorated with blue light, to show the committed support on this front. It was an opportunity to highlight the relevance of this day and to reaffirm the centrality of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) identified by the United Nations Global Agenda for Sustainable Development until 2030.
![Social Support [6] - Antares Vision Group](