
Board of statutory auditors

CaricaNome e cognomeLuogo e data di nascitaDomiciliazione per la carica
PresidentAndrea BonelliRome, 09 July 1967
Regular AuditorAnna Maria PontiggiaMilan, 10 January 1962
Regular AuditorGiovanni RossiMelzo, 24 November 1974
Alternate AuditorSara FornasieroMerate, 9 September 1968
Alternate AuditorGianluca CintiComo, 14 November 1971

Born in Rome on September 9, 1967. Graduated in Economics and Business at the University of Rome, “La Sapienza”. He is Adjunct Professor in Crisis and Business Rehabilitation at the European University of Rome. A Certified Public Accountant and Auditor, he has gained his professional experience in business consulting with particular specialization in business valuations and restructuring and in tax and corporate consulting. He carries out his professional activity at the Rome and Milan offices of the professional association Studio Signori Professionisti Associati. He holds positions as a member of the Board of Statutory Auditors in listed companies, Maire SpA, Caltagirone SpA, and issuers, ASTM SpA, and in major national companies. An expert in corporate restructuring, he has participated in numerous extraordinary transactions and due diligence activities in various industries. He is the author of numerous publications on corporate law and corporate restructuring published by Ipsoa and il Sole24Ore. He is a member of the scientific committee of the Institute for Corporate Governance and the Accademia Romana di Ragioneria. He is registered in the List of Expert Negotiators under the Code of Crisis and Insolvency, and in the Register of Business Crisis Managers at the Ministry of Justice. He is a member of the Auditing Commission at the Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Rome for which he is a Speaker at conferences and seminars. He has been a Lecturer at the Higher School of the Ministry of Economy and Finance Ezio Vanoni.

Born in Melzo (MI) on 24 November 1974, he graduated in Economics and Business Law at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan. He is enrolled in the register of Chartered Accountants and Auditors. He started his career in the field of bankruptcy procedures, as well as tax and corporate consultancy. He currently deals with the drafting of technical advice and expert opinions on economic and business matters in civil and criminal judicial proceedings, as well as in arbitration disputes, including international ones. Since 2024, he has been a Statutory Auditor of Antares Vision S.p.A

Born in Merate (LC), September 9, 1968, she received a degree in economics and business administration from the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan. She is registered with the Register of Certified Public Accountants and Auditors. She started her work at KPMG in the field of forensic auditing and then worked in due diligence, forensic accounting, internal controls, and sustainability. Since 2016, he has been freelancing with positions as Independent Director, Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors, and Advisor in corporate governance and sustainability issues, as well as Supervisory Board ex D.Lgs.231 in listed and unlisted companies. Since 2024, he has been Alternate Auditor of Antares Vision S.p.A.

Born in Como, Italy, on Nov. 14, 1971, he holds a degree in economics and business administration (CLEA) from the Luigi Bocconi University of Milan. A member of the Order of Chartered Accountants of Milan since 8.10.2008 and of the Register of Auditors since 02.12.2013, he practices as a business consultant and as a Certified Public Accountant and Auditor. He has more than 25 years of experience through his own firm XGA | XGen Advisory launched in 2023 and, previously, at a leading professional advisory firm where, among other roles, he was co-head of the team dedicated to extraordinary transactions.

Born in Milan on January 10, 1962, she has been a Certified Public Accountant since 1993 and an Auditor since 1995. She has held positions as statutory auditor in corporations, including some listed ones operating in both the industrial and banking sectors, and as an independent director. In the performance of these positions, therefore, he has gained significant experience in the areas of legal control, related party transactions (Consob regulation on related party transactions-Resolution No. 17221 of March 12, 2010, as amended) and in the area of anti-money laundering controls and with regard to the relationship between the Board of Statutory Auditors and related party committees, internal control and risk management committees, and compensation committees. In other words, he has had the opportunity to develop experience on issues of” corporate governance ” and also in the dual system (Banco BPM). He holds the position of Statutory Auditor and member of the Supervisory Board of Joint-Stock Companies, and is an expert in the subject at Bicocca University in the Department of Economic Disciplines.