
In-board committees

Control, Risks and Sustainability Committee

The Board of Directors, on July 10 2024 and effective subject to the date of the start of trading on the Mercato Telematico Azionario, appointed, in accordance with the recommendations of the Corporate Governance Code approved by Borsa Italiana S.p.A., the Control, Risk and Sustainability Committee composed of three nonexecutive and independent directors, two of whom have adequate knowledge and experience in accounting, finance and risk management:

Name and Surname
Place and date of birth
Domiciliation for the office
PresidentAntonella Angela Beretta*Genova, 01 June 1966
MemberAlessandra Bianchi*Como, 11 October 1974
MemberAntonella Odero AmbriolaOtranto, 28 August 1961
MemberGiovanni Crostarosa GuicciardiRome, 03 May 1965
MemberVittoria GiustinianiFerrara, 08 October 1964

*Amministratore in possesso di un’adeguata conoscenza ed esperienza in materia contabile, finanziaria e di gestione dei rischi.

Al Comitato Controllo, Rischi e Sostenibilità sono state altresì attribuite le funzioni e i compiti in materia di operazioni con parti correlate.

Appointments and Remuneration Committee

The Board of Directors, on July 10 2024, and with effect subject to the date of the start of trading on the Mercato Telematico Azionario, appointed, in accordance with the recommendations of the Corporate Governance Code approved by Borsa Italiana S.p.A., the Nomination and Remuneration Committee composed of three nonexecutive and independent directors, one of whom has adequate knowledge and experience in financial matters and remuneration policies:

CaricaNome e cognomeLuogo e data di nascitaDomiciliazione per la carica
PresidentAntonella Odero AmbriolaOtranto, 28 August 1961
MemberAlessandra BianchiComo, 11 October 1974
MemberVittoria GiustinianiFerrara, 08 October 1964

*Amministratore in possesso di un’adeguata conoscenza ed esperienza in materia finanziaria e di politiche retributive.