
Manager responsible for the preparation of the financial report

The Manager responsible for the preparation of Corporate accounting documents has organizational and ‘certification’ tasks within a broader range of measures aimed at strengthening the reliability of the Group’s financial information to the public.

On 22 February 2021, the Board of Directors of Antares Vision S.p.A. appointed Director Alioscia Berto as the manager responsible for the preparation of the Company’s accounting documents, whose appointment took effect as of the Stock Market Trading Starting Date (14 May 2021).

Pursuant to Article 154-bis of the Consolidated Law on Finance, the Executive in Charge of Financial Reporting shall:

  1. prepare written accompanying statements for the acts and communications of the Company disclosed to the market and relating to accounting information, including interim reports; 
  2. prepare adequate administrative and accounting procedures for the preparation of the annual financial statements and, where applicable, the consolidated financial statements, as well as any other communication of a financial nature;
  3. certify with an appropriate report on the annual financial statements, the half-yearly financial statements and the consolidated financial statements (a) the adequacy and effective application of administrative and accounting procedures for the preparation of the annual financial statements; (b) that the documents are prepared in accordance with the applicable international accounting standards recognised in the European Community pursuant to Regulation (EC) No. 1606/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 July 2002; (c) that the documents correspond to the results in the accounting books and records; (d) the suitability of the documents to provide a true and fair representation of the assets and liabilities, economic and financial situation of the Issuer and of the group of companies included in the consolidation (e) for the financial statements and the consolidated financial statements, that the management report includes a reliable analysis of the trend and result of operations, as well as the situation of the Issuer and of the set of companies included in the consolidation, together with a description of the main risks and uncertainties to which they are exposed; (f) for the half-yearly financial statements, that the interim management report contains a reliable analysis of the information pursuant to Art. 154- ter, paragraph 4, TUF.

Alioscia Berto is a director of Antares Vision S.p.A. and holds the position of CFO. He graduated with honours in 1994 in Business Administration from L. Bocconi University and attended specialization courses in Corporate Finance by the London Business School and Harvard University. He is a Chartered Accountant since 1997. In November 2015 he started his own business of Investment and Advisory in Corporate Finance (A Cube). Previously, between 2011 and 2015, he was a partner at Fondo Italiano d’Investimento SGR S.p.A., where he followed and executed several capital investments in successful Italian companies. Mr Berto also served as Senior Principal and Managing Director for Italy at Doughty Hanson & Co, a British private equity fund, where he worked for twelve years, from 1998 to 2010, overseeing the execution of leverage buy-out transactions, as a member of the fund’s investment committee. Prior to joining Doughty Hanson & Co, Alioscia worked at ING Barings (between 1997 and 1998), dealing with M&A transactions, and at KPMG Corporate Finance (from 1994 to 1997), where he held a number of financial advisory positions in a variety of industries. He is a director of Antares Vision S.p.A. and is serving as CFO since 2018.