
Sustainability Report

REPORT 2023 k-arrow-blu
REPORT 2022 k-arrow-blu
REPORT 2021 k-arrow-blu

Highlights – 2023

Antares Vision Group: the social and environmental impacts of our solutions

Quality and safety of people’s lives

  • Quality and safety of essential products control
  • Monitoring of supply chains

Traceability and responsible use of resources

  • Efficient use of natural resources
  • Adoption of the principles of a circular economy
  • Monitoring of supply chains

Commitment to sustainable development – Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Business impacts

Commitment and contribution driven by the impacts of the business (products and solutions)

Sustainability Report [1] - Antares Vision Group

Commitment / organisational and relational areas

Commitment to promote positive social effects, greater effectiveness of activities and achievement of business objectives (enabling factors)

Sustainability Report [2] - Antares Vision Group
Partnership for innovation
R&D investments – 2022Euro 4.1 million
Collaborations and partnerships with local, national and international
Universities and Research Centres – Number of collaborations
Over 10 partnerships
RevenuesEuro 214 million
Economic value generatedEuro 214,7 million
Economic value distributedEuro 229,4 million
Governance – policies
The integrated management system of Antares Vision S.p.A.
Quality UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 – Health and safety UNI EN ISO 45001:2018 – Environment UNI EN
ISO 14001:2015 – Data security UNI EN ISO 27001 – Mod 231 Legislative Decree 231/2001- GAMP®
5 Compliant GXP Computerized System – PAS 99:2012 integrating requirements – Anti-Corruption
Policy – Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy – Human Rights Policy
Human resources
Number of employees at 31 December 20221,401
Increase in number of employees 2020 – 2022 (number and %)395 (39.3%)
Gender diversity – share of women (% of total employees)24%
Gender diversity – share of women in management positions (% of total)17%
New generations / Age diversity – share of employees under the age of 30 (% of total)23.1%
Training – Average hours of training per employee in 202225.1 hours
Health and safety – Injury frequency rate (No. of injuries/hours worked x 1,000,000) (3 injuries in 2022)0.75
Percentage of waste destined for recoveryover 63%
Total direct energy consumption – GJoule20,452
Renewable (energy) incidence %21.7 %
Total direct (GHG Scope 1) and indirect (GHG Scope 2 location-based) emissions/t CO2e1,524
Local communities – Social responsibility
The protection of our cultural and artistic heritage (Brescia Museums Foundation and the Alliance for Culture – Cultural Renaissance)
Social commitment and education (support for initiatives and associations)
Emilia Romagna flood emergency – Luce Viola – UNICEF